Hi, I'm Simon Ace 👋🏻
Born Simon Peter Muchoki
I grew up in the Central highlands of Kenya and stuck to the top 3 in a class. Today, I dabble in freelance content curation, digital marketing and full stack development. Check me out before heading back to your favorite spiders
I help people with...
(1) Web apps development - setup, ux/ui design, web scraping, copywriting etc. Over 5+ years on WordPress, Xenforo etc. Now into JAMSTACK, static & serverless doing MERN, NextJS, GraphQL. (2) SEO & digital marketing - the whitehat keyword, backlink and technical SEO then social automation, list building, advertising. (3) Online cyber services and sales, repair of laptops, phones, accessories. (4) 250 MBs bundle @ 20 even with Okoa. (5) Everything else at technul.vercel.app, my ongoing attempt to put dev content together.
What scares you...
A search box. Like on Google, Wikipedia, GitHub, LinkedIn. Even before those results pop, feels like I'm carrying this earth on my back. My truly un-abstainable overwhelm.
I'm in love with
The truth. Yep but tell me, where is it? Is it in people, religion, politics, the internet, books? Pay attention, what's going on? It's in your head or is it.. outside or wherever? I wonder what enables us collect memories!
The goods and bad
Social media. Feels sick fake but good the fakers are real people. Hope we get a fix soon then these profiles posts turn real, like this one.
I keep admiring...
Skillfulness. Doesn't matter in what, just own it kid. Where's the speed? And accuracy?
Your kinda girl
Gina Brillon. Yeeah just the type. Sorry, beg your pardon
If wishes were horses
I wish humans exist without comparison. Just the default factory settings and beyond 5 senses. Truth is a variation in your body temperature makes other things feel warmer or cooler. But can we know things by ourselves, no influence, not getting comfort from everyone's opinion that a certain thing or way is okay (or not)?
Got Plans
Short term - Offering tech services and sharing content online (got TBs of leeches). Mid term – solicit enough (simonwokabi.vercel.app) to pay for a 4 year undergraduate degree I started 7 years ago. Long term — A career or use coding skills to create an API, GPT3 or something businesses need but don't understand they do.
What keeps you alive...
I believe God and food and drawing inspiration from like Ted, or a one Indian Sadhguru. And some music. You know pop Miley, Bieber, Klarkson or Cole, Kendrick, Hov or Vybz Kartel. Man I never miss that DJ FearLess and Robboranx fix right from the last decade. (we're the same maybe who cares?)
I'm learning...
Programming, languages, frameworks, libraries, more Excel, Sheet and the piano, I'm tired of the rolls on DAWs. Always hungry for skills that boost survival.
Conclusion & contact
They say on the 8th day god made the web, and everybody a star. Making you shine is my business. Be on top of your game. Save +254 796 645 650 hotline and ask for fast help anytime you wanna turn that vision into reality.